Cleanroom temperature and relative humidity service

Cleanroom temperature and relative humidity tests measure the ambient temperature and humidity in a clean area. The levels of these factors affect the growth of viable organisms, static buildup, corrosion and expansion, which can directly impact the control of contamination in the clean area. Monitoring temperature and humidity is critical for overall environmental control. In addition, ISO 14644-3 standards require clean areas to maintain strict temperature and humidity within the limits required for the applications of that area.

To test these critical elements, PMS uses temperature and humidity meters that are fully calibrated by a Swiss accredited third party laboratory, maintaining our  impartiality  . Audit-ready calibration certificates are provided with your final report.

The goal of cleanroom qualification is to demonstrate the performance of a space from a process perspective. This information, along with other variables (air velocity and volume, air differential pressure, flow visualizations, etc.), provides important information on where to place continuous monitoring points. It is important to identify and test the most critical and vulnerable locations in the process to maintain control of the environment. Temperature and relative humidity measurements are critical and required to effectively qualify a cleanroom or area and create an environmental monitoring plan based on a risk analysis. (according to ISO 14633 and Annex 1) Our highly trained and experienced CAS technicians perform these tests and use the information collected as part of an overall picture that characterizes the environmental risks to the clean area.